The Power in Keeping Perspective

The Power in Keeping Perspective

When I was a kid, I had a telescope. I loved gazing through it at the night sky with all of its stars and planets. I marveled at how something so very, very far away could actually appear so close. One time (like all kids do), I turned the telescope around and looked...
Sex: Why Couples Struggle To Talk About It

Sex: Why Couples Struggle To Talk About It

This is a topic I rarely cover in my blogs, but yet it’s often covered with when working with many couples. Physical intimacy is an active part of a healthy relationship, but sadly for many sexuality is treated as the third rail when it comes to being able to...
Wives – Are Unknowingly Poisoning Your Marriage?

Wives – Are Unknowingly Poisoning Your Marriage?

I recently saw a documentary about a wife who was convicted of murdering her husband by slowly poisoning him over the span of about a year – rat poison I believe it was. Tragic and horrific, she’d begun shortly after they’d married. As the man grew sicker, no one knew...
Breaking Up With the Lies We Believe

Breaking Up With the Lies We Believe

Hollywood has given us some fairly famous breakups: Angelina and Brad, Sonny and Cher. And when it comes to breakups, you’ve probably heard the line (or were the one to deliver it), “It’s not you. It’s me.” But sometimes that’s just not true. Sometimes it’s not you...