Rewire Your Brain

Rewire Your Brain

Ever feel like your thoughts are beyond your control? Maybe even your emotions and reactions too? It’s easy to feel this way. After all, we’re only human, right? But what if this weren’t the case? What if you could tell your brain how to operate – your emotions how to...
Broken Vows to Healed Hearts

Broken Vows to Healed Hearts

Divorce is a journey (an often most unwanted journey) and healing from such a tumultuous event is a process. It cannot be hurried, it cannot be avoided (for your own mental and emotional health), and it doesn’t look the same for every person. “From Broken Vows to...
What Radical Husbands Do

What Radical Husbands Do

What is a husband to do when his wife has had enough and she leaves? What does he do when he doesn’t understand why his marriage is falling apart or when he doesn’t know how to make things better? Well, just ask Regi Campbell. He knows. He’s been there. After 12 years...
Zero Victim

Zero Victim

Each of us faces adversity at some point in our lives. It’s inevitable. Living in a broken world with 7 billion other imperfect people, we will all face pain, tragedy, and/or some form of victimization. But, some will choose to remain a victim and some will choose to...
Blessed Are The Misfits

Blessed Are The Misfits

In what’s known as the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5 of the Bible, Jesus makes some radical claims about who would be blessed. Blessed are the poor in spirit, blessed are they who mourn, blessed are the meek, blessed are they who hunger and thirst for...
The Perfect You

The Perfect You

Working in the field of clinical counseling as a Christian, I am thrilled when scientific findings actually support biblical truths. Dr. Caroline Leaf’s “The Perfect You” shares much of her research, which aligns and supports teachings from the Word of God. In the...
Sheet Music

Sheet Music

Sexuality is a topic that many people steer away from discussing. They think it’s taboo or maybe even a touchy subject in their relationship. But, sexual intimacy is a prominent factor in a happy, healthy marriage. We’re sexual beings and to be honest, we have sexual...
When God Doesn’t Fix It

When God Doesn’t Fix It

No one and no life is exempt from grief. We all endure trials we wish we didn’t have to. And many of us are left with questions, with doubts, with fears, and with tears we think warrant some divine explanation. But what do you do when questions remain unanswered and...
Everybody Always

Everybody Always

Who does Jesus tell us to love? Our family and friends? The folks we go to church with? What about the creepy guy down the street that makes you pull your kids closer to you? The answer to this question is simple. Love everybody, always. Bob Goff knocks it out of the...