What it takes to be a successful couple.

What it takes to be a successful couple.

Do you remember the Magic 8 Ball? Ask a yes or no question, shake the ball, turn it upside down, and ta-da, there’s your answer – “All signs point to yes” or “Don’t count on it.”   Wouldn’t it be great if we had an accurate Magic 8 Ball to answer all kinds of...
Overcoming Mom Guilt

Overcoming Mom Guilt

Motherhood carries with it about every different emotion you can think of. There’s joy in cuddling your little one before bed time and watching them drift off into peaceful sleep. You’re overwhelmed with happiness when you watch them try something new and succeed –...
Raising Kids as a Divorced Parent

Raising Kids as a Divorced Parent

Any parent can tell you that parenting is far from easy. You second guess yourself in so many ways and have a whole slew of constant concerns in regard to your kids. If you’re divorced (whether recently or for a while), you know that parenting while divorced comes...
The Media & Your Mental Health

The Media & Your Mental Health

When I was a little kid, I used to run around the neighborhood with my friends and pretend I was a local news reporter. I thought I was cool and official with my pretend microphone.  “This just in, live from our cul-de-sac, Tommy has fallen off his bike and skinned...